If you do not see the PI name in this list, select the first option 'Not in List'. If the PI is the same as the contact above, select the second option 'Same as Contact'.

Geodetic Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience (GAGE; operated by EarthScope Consortium) provides GPS/GNSS and other equipment and engineering support to NSF-EAR, NSF-OPP, and NASA-SENH funded investigators, as well as selected projects from other funding sources. Data archiving and Education and Outreach support are available to the broader EarthScope community. Investigators are encouraged to contact EarthScope via this form prior to proposal submission, and to request the use of GAGE support directly in their proposals. EarthScope will provide a letter of support,budget and other supporting documents if required, to be submitted with the proposal.

Complete this form to request support from EarthScope. Once you have submitted your request, a confirmation email will be sent to you. When your request is approved, you will receive a second email with the name of your EarthScope contact.

* Required fields or N/A if Not Applicable

Project Type:* (Check all that apply)

Support Requested:* (Check all that apply)

Primary Contact Information







Project Information


If you do not see the PI name in this list, select the first option "Not in List".
If the PI is the same as the contact above, select the second option "Same as Contact".


If you do not see the CoPI name in this list, select the first option "Not in List".
If there is no Co PI, select the second option "No Co PI".













EarthScope Consortium is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants in EarthScope-sponsored or EarthScope-supported activities, including those of the GAGE and SAGE Facilities. Those who violate the standards of professional and respectful conduct could be asked to cease participation in any activity, including but not limited to the return of loaned equipment and/or cessation of staff field support..

Read the full EarthScope Code of Conduct.